XXIV All Souls Jazz Festival/Zaduszki Jazzowe w Chicago coming soon…


XXIV ALL SOULS JAZZ/ZADUSZKI JAZZOWE FESTIVAL coming in a flash of lightning: Monday, November 4, from 7:00 p.m. until sunrise at the Chopin Theatre, Wicker Park, Chicago.
Like every year expect hours of great music, unforgettable atmosphere, and social encounters! (Wow, expect some surprises this year!)
See you all to spend this night together…
Keep posted for info and tickets at our portal www.allsoulsjazz.com
Please make sure to spread the news, post it everywhere on the social media, and let your friends know!

 Juz 24 lata jestesmy z Wami i GRAMY!…energia zadziala i w tym roku….
4 LISTOPAD, Chopin Theatre 7pm do bialego rana…(a potem do urn wyborczych, bo glosowanie we wtorek! :-))))
Info & bilety (juz sa dostepne) na naszej stronie: www. zaduszkijazzowe.com
(Znakomici goscie i wykonawcy w tym roku:

Adam Palma & Jose Torres (Polska / Cuba)

KAEYRA (Karolina Baran)

John Moulder’s RE:VISION Collective (goscinnie: Howard Levy- dwukrotny laureat Grammy Award)

Kabir Dalawari Quartet

Daniel Jonak & Bozeman’s Brain

Tad TeeMac Janik Quartet

Felonious Drunk

Kyle Downs Trio

…i inni…

What a show!  All Soul’s Jazz – Zaduszki Jazzowe this year will be a blast! We have eight different groups, playing different styles of music, more than
30 musicians on two theatre’s stages simultaneously…OK, stop with math, look at the names:
Adam Palma & Jose Torres (Poland / Cuba)
John Moulder’s RE:VISION Collective (special guest, multiple Grammy Award winner – Howard Levy)
Kabir Dalawari Quartet
Daniel Jonak & Bozeman’s Brain
Tad TeeMac Janik Quartet
Felonious Drunk
Kyle Downs Trio
…and others…
I’m sure we will enjoy the night fulfilled with great music and unlimited social encounters with your friends…so, let them know, spread the news, post it everywhere you can and…keep posted yourself!
We will present musicians formation after formation here, on FB and on this portal, where you can dig for information and tickets, look for yourselves into thousands of pictures and multiple videos from previous years…
See you all at the Festival/Zaduszki!
(That magic night can not be missed!)


“Projekt jest współfinansowany ze środków Konsulatu Generalnego RP w Chicago”